This paper develops a bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method for topological design of compliant mechanisms. The design problem is reformulated as maximizing the flexibility of the compliant mechanism subject to the mean compliance and volume constraints. Based on the finite element analysis, a new BESO algorithm is established for solving such an optimization problem by gradually updating design variables until a convergent solution is obtained. Several 2D and 3D examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed BESO method. A series of optimized mechanism designs with or without hinge regions are obtained. Numerical results also indicate that the flexibility and hinge-related property of the optimized compliant mechanisms can be controlled by the desired structural stiffness. Previous article in issue.
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. Author: Larry L.
Howell,Spencer P. Magleby,Brian M. Olsen.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN:.
Category: Technology & Engineering. Page: 344. View: 8464A fully illustrated reference book giving an easy-to-understand introduction to compliant mechanisms A broad compilation of compliant mechanisms to give inspiration and guidance to those interested in using compliant mechanisms in their designs, the Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms includes graphics and descriptions of many compliant mechanisms. It comprises an extensive categorization of devices that can be used to help readers identify compliant mechanisms related to their application. It also provides chapters on the basic background in compliant mechanisms, the categories of compliant mechanisms, and an example of how the Compendium can be used to facilitate compliant mechanism design. Author: Efstratios Nikolaidis,Dan M.
Compliant Mechanism Design
Ghiocel,Suren Singhal. Publisher: CRC Press. ISBN:.
Category: Technology & Engineering. Page: 1216. View: 3153Researchers in the engineering industry and academia are making important advances on reliability-based design and modeling of uncertainty when data is limited. Non deterministic approaches have enabled industries to save billions by reducing design and warranty costs and by improving quality. Considering the lack of comprehensive and definitive presentations on the subject, Engineering Design Reliability Handbook is a valuable addition to the reliability literature.
It presents the perspectives of experts from the industry, national labs, and academia on non-deterministic approaches including probabilistic, interval and fuzzy sets-based methods, generalized information theory, Dempster-Shaffer evidence theory, and robust reliability. It also presents recent advances in all important fields of reliability design including modeling of uncertainty, reliability assessment of both static and dynamic components and systems, design decision making in the face of uncertainty, and reliability validation. The editors and the authors also discuss documented success stories and quantify the benefits of these approaches. With contributions from a team of respected international authors and the guidance of esteemed editors, this handbook is a distinctive addition to the acclaimed line of handbooks from CRC Press. Author: Larry L.
Howell. Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 786. Category: Technology & Engineering. Page: 480. View: 2962A concise survey of compliant mechanisms-from fundamentals to state-of-the-art applications This volume presents the newest and most effective methods for the analysis and design of compliant mechanisms. It provides a detailed review of compliant mechanisms and includes a wealth of useful design examples for engineers, students, and researchers.
Concise chapters guide the reader from simple to more challenging concepts-using examples of increasing complexity-eventually leading to real-world applications for specific types of devices. The author focuses on compliant mechanisms that can be designed using both standard linear beam equations and more advanced pseudo-rigid-body models. He describes a number of special-purpose compliant mechanisms that have use across a wide range of applications and discusses compliant mechanisms in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) with several accompanying MEMS examples. Coverage of essential topics in strength of materials, machine design, and kinematics is provided to allow for a self-contained book that requires little additional reference to solve compliant mechanism problems.
This information can be used as a refresher on the basics or as resource material for readers from other disciplines currently working in MEMS. Compliant Mechanisms serves as both an introductory text for students and an up-to-date resource for practitioners and researchers.
It provides comprehensive, expert coverage of this growing field. Author: Davide Maltoni,Dario Maio,Anil K. Jain,Salil Prabhakar. Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media.
ISBN:. Category: Computers. Page: 494. View: 8849A major new professional reference work on fingerprint security systems and technology from leading international researchers in the field.
Handbook provides authoritative and comprehensive coverage of all major topics, concepts, and methods for fingerprint security systems. This unique reference work is an absolutely essential resource for all biometric security professionals, researchers, and systems administrators. Author: Ercan M. Dede. Publisher: N.A. ISBN: N.A.
Category:. Page: 227. View: 7958The vibration of lightweight structures in the 1 kHz to 10 kHz middle frequency region generates noise, which has adverse effects on human performance and perception of quality. Typical solutions, such as spring-mass absorbers, visco-elastic coatings, and active control, are effective across these frequencies. Nonetheless, they often lead to greater system complexity or weight.
Accordingly, the objective of this research is to introduce a new technique for the reduction of middle frequency structural-borne noise. Author: Mark Bovens,Robert E. Goodin,Thomas Schillemans. Publisher: OUP Oxford. ISBN:. Category: Political Science.
Page: 800. View: 8985Over the past two decades public accountability has become not only an icon in political, managerial, and administrative discourse but also the object of much scholarly analysis across a broad range of social and administrative sciences. This handbook provides a state of the art overview of recent scholarship on public accountability. It collects, consolidates, and integrates an upsurge of inquiry currently scattered across many disciplines and subdisciplines. It provides a one-stop-shop on the subject, not only for academics who study accountability, but also for practitioners who are designing, adjusting, or struggling with mechanisms for accountable governance. Drawing on the best scholars in the field from around the world, The Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability showcases conceptual and normative as well as the empirical approaches in public accountability studies. In addition to giving an overview of scholarly research in a variety of disciplines, it takes stock of a wide range of accountability mechanisms and practices across the public, private and non-profit sectors, making this volume a must-have for both practitioners and scholars, both established and new to the field.
Author: Malcolm Macdonald,Viorel Badescu. Publisher: Springer. ISBN:.
Category: Technology & Engineering. Page: 731. View: 5953This comprehensive handbook provides an overview of space technology and a holistic understanding of the system-of-systems that is a modern spacecraft.
Author: Jacques Durand,Ulrike Gut,Gjert Kristoffersen. Publisher: OUP Oxford. ISBN: 019166927X. Category: Language Arts & Disciplines. Page: 704.
View: 2937This handbook presents the first systematic account of corpus phonology - the employment of corpora for studying speakers' and listeners' acquisition and knowledge of the sound system of their native languages and the principles underlying those systems. The first part of the book discusses the design, compilation, and use of phonological corpora, while the second looks at specific applications. Part 3 presents the tools and methods used, while the final part examines a number of currently available phonological corpora in various languages. It will appeal not only to those working with phonological corpora, but also to researchers and students of phonology and phonetics more generally, as well as to all those interested in language variation, dialectology, language acquisition, and sociolinguistics. Packaging. Author: N.A.
Publisher: ASM International. ISBN: 852. Category: Technology & Engineering. Page: 1224. View: 7103Volume 1: Packaging is an authoritative reference source of practical information for the design or process engineer who must make informed day-to-day decisions about the materials and processes of microelectronic packaging. Its 117 articles offer the collective knowledge, wisdom, and judgement of 407 microelectronics packaging experts-authors, co-authors, and reviewers-representing 192 companies, universities, laboratories, and other organizations.
This is the inaugural volume of ASMAs all-new ElectronicMaterials Handbook series, designed to be the Metals Handbook of electronics technology. In over 65 years of publishing the Metals Handbook, ASM has developed a unique editorial method of compiling large technical reference books. ASMAs access to leading materials technology experts enables to organize these books on an industry consensus basis.
Behind every article. Is an author who is a top expert in its specific subject area. This multi-author approach ensures the best, most timely information throughout. Individually selected panels of 5 and 6 peers review each article for technical accuracy, generic point of view, and completeness.Volumes in the Electronic Materials Handbook series are multidisciplinary, to reflect industry practice applied in integrating multiple technology disciplines necessary to any program in advanced electronics. Volume 1: Packaging focusing on the middle level of the electronics technology size spectrum, offers the greatest practical value to the largest and broadest group of users. Future volumes in the series will address topics on larger (integrated electronic assemblies) and smaller (semiconductor materials and devices) size levels.
Author: Steve Farnfield,Paul Holmes. Publisher: Routledge. ISBN:. Category: Psychology. Page: 236. View: 9671The Routledge Handbook of Attachment: Assessment provides, in one volume, a detailed discussion of the formal measurement tools available to assess attachment across the age range, including with families. It contains comprehensive chapters on many attachment-based validated procedures for assessing parenting and evaluating risk, to enable professionals to decide what type of assessment is appropriate, who should conduct it and the usefulness of the results.
The book provides a detailed account of assessment measures of attachment to enable practitioners at all levels (including academic research workers) to decide which assessment procedure will best meet their need. The chapters are written by those who developed these tools and by people closely associated with them, and advocate an evidence-based model of assessment to increase fairness and transparency for families. Providing a practical guide to the uses of attachment theory and research in professional practice with adults, children, parents and families, and a detailed account of all the current evidence-based tools that can be used in assessment, The Routledge Handbook of Attachment: Assessment is ideal for professionals and clinicians wishing to commission or undertake assessments of attachment, as well as academic research workers and students.